Installing Tools

This section will walk you through installing the tools necessary to use the tutorials on this site. Note that these instructions are for Windows installations only.

Install Java jdk

The first step is to install the Java jdk 11 which can be found here:

Download and install the Windows x64 Installer.

Install VS Code

Next, install Visual Studio Code for Java which can be found here:

Configure Raspberry Pi

We have created a preconfigured Raspberry Pi image which can be found here. You can use your favorite imager program. The one that I use can be found here. This image has the Raspberry Pi configured as a WiFi hotspot named Robot. The password is raspberry.

After you boot your Pi for the first time, SSH into the Pi and run the following command to expand the file system to the size of your SD card. Then reboot your Pi.

If you wish to change the hotspot name and/or password, SSH to the Pi and edit the file /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf:

Change ssid to change the hotspot name and wpa_passphrase to change the password.

Robot Tools

Install the remaining tools by downloading here and unzip the entire folder onto your desktop.

You should then be able to follow the instructions in the Minibot and/or Nerfbot tutorials to create and run your own robot programs.

Programming the Microcontroller

In the Microcontroller folder of RobotTools2022 that you downloaded you will find a binary image, NerfBot.elf, which you can use to program the STM32 Microcontroller that is used on the controller board. There are a variety of tools that you can use to download this image, the one that I use can be found here.