Robot Core Documentation
No Matches Class Reference


interface  QuadFunction
interface  TriFunction

Static Public Member Functions

static void configureHolonomic (Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeSpeedsSupplier, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeOutput, HolonomicPathFollowerConfig config, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem driveSubsystem)
static void configureRamsete (Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem driveSubsystem)
static void configureRamsete (Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output, double b, double zeta, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem driveSubsystem)
static void configureLTV (Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output, double dt, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem driveSubsystem)
static void configureLTV (Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier, Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output, Vector< N3 > qelems, Vector< N2 > relems, double dt, ReplanningConfig replanningConfig, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath, Subsystem driveSubsystem)
static void configureCustom (Function< PathPlannerPath, Command > pathFollowingCommandBuilder, Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose, BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPose)
static void configureCustom (Function< PathPlannerPath, Command > pathFollowingCommandBuilder, Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier, Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose)
static boolean isConfigured ()
static boolean isPathfindingConfigured ()
static Command followPathWithEvents (PathPlannerPath path)
static Command followPath (PathPlannerPath path)
static Command pathfindToPose (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVelocity, double rotationDelayDistance)
static Command pathfindToPose (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVelocity)
static Command pathfindToPose (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints)
static Command pathfindToPoseFlipped (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVelocity, double rotationDelayDistance)
static Command pathfindToPoseFlipped (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints, double goalEndVelocity)
static Command pathfindToPoseFlipped (Pose2d pose, PathConstraints constraints)
static Command pathfindThenFollowPath (PathPlannerPath goalPath, PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints, double rotationDelayDistance)
static Command pathfindThenFollowPath (PathPlannerPath goalPath, PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints)
static SendableChooser< CommandbuildAutoChooser ()
static SendableChooser< CommandbuildAutoChooser (String defaultAutoName)
static SendableChooser< CommandbuildAutoChooserWithOptionsModifier (Function< Stream< PathPlannerAuto >, Stream< PathPlannerAuto > > optionsModifier)
static SendableChooser< CommandbuildAutoChooserWithOptionsModifier (String defaultAutoName, Function< Stream< PathPlannerAuto >, Stream< PathPlannerAuto > > optionsModifier)
static List< String > getAllAutoNames ()
static Pose2d getStartingPoseFromJson (JSONObject startingPoseJson)
static Command buildAuto (String autoName)
static Command getAutoCommandFromJson (JSONObject autoJson)

Detailed Description

Utility class used to build auto routines

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildAuto()

static Command ( String autoName)

Builds an auto command for the given auto name.

autoNamethe name of the auto to build
an auto command for the given auto name

◆ buildAutoChooser() [1/2]

static SendableChooser< Command > ( )

Create and populate a sendable chooser with all PathPlannerAutos in the project. The default option will be Commands.none()

SendableChooser populated with all autos

◆ buildAutoChooser() [2/2]

static SendableChooser< Command > ( String defaultAutoName)

Create and populate a sendable chooser with all PathPlannerAutos in the project

defaultAutoNameThe name of the auto that should be the default option. If this is an empty string, or if an auto with the given name does not exist, the default option will be Commands.none()
SendableChooser populated with all autos

◆ buildAutoChooserWithOptionsModifier() [1/2]

static SendableChooser< Command > ( Function< Stream< PathPlannerAuto >, Stream< PathPlannerAuto > > optionsModifier)

Create and populate a sendable chooser with all PathPlannerAutos in the project. The default option will be Commands.none()

optionsModifierA lambda function that can be used to modify the options before they go into the AutoChooser
SendableChooser populated with all autos

◆ buildAutoChooserWithOptionsModifier() [2/2]

static SendableChooser< Command > ( String defaultAutoName,
Function< Stream< PathPlannerAuto >, Stream< PathPlannerAuto > > optionsModifier )

Create and populate a sendable chooser with all PathPlannerAutos in the project

defaultAutoNameThe name of the auto that should be the default option. If this is an empty string, or if an auto with the given name does not exist, the default option will be Commands.none()
optionsModifierA lambda function that can be used to modify the options before they go into the AutoChooser
SendableChooser populated with all autos

◆ configureCustom() [1/2]

static void ( Function< PathPlannerPath, Command > pathFollowingCommandBuilder,
Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose )

Configures the AutoBuilder with custom path following command builder. Building pathfinding commands is not supported if using a custom command builder. Custom path following commands will not have the path flipped for them, and event markers will not be triggered automatically.

pathFollowingCommandBuildera function that builds a command to follow a given path
poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose

◆ configureCustom() [2/2]

static void ( Function< PathPlannerPath, Command > pathFollowingCommandBuilder,
Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPose )

Configures the AutoBuilder with custom path following command builder. Building pathfinding commands is not supported if using a custom command builder. Custom path following commands will not have the path flipped for them, and event markers will not be triggered automatically.

pathFollowingCommandBuildera function that builds a command to follow a given path
poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
shouldFlipPoseSupplier that determines if the starting pose should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin. NOTE: paths will not be flipped when configured with a custom path following command. Flipping the paths must be handled in your command.

◆ configureHolonomic()

static void ( Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeSpeedsSupplier,
Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > robotRelativeOutput,
HolonomicPathFollowerConfig config,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath,
Subsystem driveSubsystem )

Configures the AutoBuilder for a holonomic drivetrain.

poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
robotRelativeSpeedsSuppliera supplier for the robot's current robot relative chassis speeds
robotRelativeOutputa consumer for setting the robot's robot-relative chassis speeds
configcom.pathplanner.lib.util.HolonomicPathFollowerConfig for configuring the path following commands
shouldFlipPathSupplier that determines if paths should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.
driveSubsystemthe subsystem for the robot's drive

◆ configureLTV() [1/2]

static void ( Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier,
Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output,
double dt,
ReplanningConfig replanningConfig,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath,
Subsystem driveSubsystem )

Configures the AutoBuilder for a differential drivetrain using a LTVUnicycleController path follower.

poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
speedsSuppliera supplier for the robot's current chassis speeds
outputa consumer for setting the robot's chassis speeds
dtPeriod of the robot control loop in seconds (default 0.02)
replanningConfigPath replanning configuration
shouldFlipPathSupplier that determines if paths should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.
driveSubsystemthe subsystem for the robot's drive

◆ configureLTV() [2/2]

static void ( Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier,
Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output,
Vector< N3 > qelems,
Vector< N2 > relems,
double dt,
ReplanningConfig replanningConfig,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath,
Subsystem driveSubsystem )

Configures the AutoBuilder for a differential drivetrain using a LTVUnicycleController path follower.

poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
speedsSuppliera supplier for the robot's current chassis speeds
outputa consumer for setting the robot's chassis speeds
qelemsThe maximum desired error tolerance for each state.
relemsThe maximum desired control effort for each input.
dtPeriod of the robot control loop in seconds (default 0.02)
replanningConfigPath replanning configuration
shouldFlipPathSupplier that determines if paths should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.
driveSubsystemthe subsystem for the robot's drive

◆ configureRamsete() [1/2]

static void ( Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier,
Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output,
double b,
double zeta,
ReplanningConfig replanningConfig,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath,
Subsystem driveSubsystem )

Configures the AutoBuilder for a differential drivetrain using a RAMSETE path follower.

poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
speedsSuppliera supplier for the robot's current chassis speeds
outputa consumer for setting the robot's chassis speeds
bTuning parameter (b > 0 rad^2/m^2) for which larger values make convergence more aggressive like a proportional term.
zetaTuning parameter (0 rad^-1 < zeta < 1 rad^-1) for which larger values provide more damping in response.
replanningConfigPath replanning configuration
shouldFlipPathSupplier that determines if paths should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.
driveSubsystemthe subsystem for the robot's drive

◆ configureRamsete() [2/2]

static void ( Supplier< Pose2d > poseSupplier,
Consumer< Pose2d > resetPose,
Supplier< ChassisSpeeds > speedsSupplier,
Consumer< ChassisSpeeds > output,
ReplanningConfig replanningConfig,
BooleanSupplier shouldFlipPath,
Subsystem driveSubsystem )

Configures the AutoBuilder for a differential drivetrain using a RAMSETE path follower.

poseSuppliera supplier for the robot's current pose
resetPosea consumer for resetting the robot's pose
speedsSuppliera supplier for the robot's current chassis speeds
outputa consumer for setting the robot's chassis speeds
replanningConfigPath replanning configuration
shouldFlipPathSupplier that determines if paths should be flipped to the other side of the field. This will maintain a global blue alliance origin.
driveSubsystemthe subsystem for the robot's drive

◆ followPath()

static Command ( PathPlannerPath path)

Builds a command to follow a path. PathPlannerLib commands will also trigger event markers along the way.

paththe path to follow
a path following command with for the given path
AutoBuilderExceptionif the AutoBuilder has not been configured

◆ followPathWithEvents()

static Command ( PathPlannerPath path)

Builds a command to follow a path with event markers.

paththe path to follow
a path following command with events for the given path
AutoBuilderExceptionif the AutoBuilder has not been configured
Renamed to "followPath"

◆ getAllAutoNames()

static List< String > ( )

Get a list of all auto names in the project

List of all auto names

◆ getAutoCommandFromJson()

static Command ( JSONObject autoJson)

Builds an auto command from the given JSON object.

autoJsonthe JSON object to build the command from
an auto command built from the JSON object

◆ getStartingPoseFromJson()

static Pose2d ( JSONObject startingPoseJson)

Get the starting pose from its JSON representation. This is only used internally.

startingPoseJsonJSON object representing a starting pose.
The Pose2d starting pose

◆ isConfigured()

static boolean ( )

Returns whether the AutoBuilder has been configured.

true if the AutoBuilder has been configured, false otherwise

◆ isPathfindingConfigured()

static boolean ( )

Returns whether the AutoBuilder has been configured for pathfinding.

true if the AutoBuilder has been configured for pathfinding, false otherwise

◆ pathfindThenFollowPath() [1/2]

static Command ( PathPlannerPath goalPath,
PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints )

Build a command to pathfind to a given path, then follow that path.

goalPathThe path to pathfind to, then follow
pathfindingConstraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
A command to pathfind to a given path, then follow the path

◆ pathfindThenFollowPath() [2/2]

static Command ( PathPlannerPath goalPath,
PathConstraints pathfindingConstraints,
double rotationDelayDistance )

Build a command to pathfind to a given path, then follow that path. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation delay distance will have no effect.

goalPathThe path to pathfind to, then follow
pathfindingConstraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
rotationDelayDistanceThe distance the robot should move from the start position before attempting to rotate to the final rotation
A command to pathfind to a given path, then follow the path

◆ pathfindToPose() [1/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
A command to pathfind to a given pose

◆ pathfindToPose() [2/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints,
double goalEndVelocity )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
goalEndVelocityThe goal end velocity of the robot when reaching the target pose
A command to pathfind to a given pose

◆ pathfindToPose() [3/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints,
double goalEndVelocity,
double rotationDelayDistance )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation and rotation delay distance will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
goalEndVelocityThe goal end velocity of the robot when reaching the target pose
rotationDelayDistanceThe distance the robot should move from the start position before attempting to rotate to the final rotation
A command to pathfind to a given pose

◆ pathfindToPoseFlipped() [1/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose that will be flipped based on the value of the path flipping supplier when this command is run. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation and rotation delay distance will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to. This will be flipped if the path flipping supplier returns true
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
A command to pathfind to a given pose

◆ pathfindToPoseFlipped() [2/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints,
double goalEndVelocity )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose that will be flipped based on the value of the path flipping supplier when this command is run. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation and rotation delay distance will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to. This will be flipped if the path flipping supplier returns true
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
goalEndVelocityThe goal end velocity of the robot when reaching the target pose
A command to pathfind to a given pose

◆ pathfindToPoseFlipped() [3/3]

static Command ( Pose2d pose,
PathConstraints constraints,
double goalEndVelocity,
double rotationDelayDistance )

Build a command to pathfind to a given pose that will be flipped based on the value of the path flipping supplier when this command is run. If not using a holonomic drivetrain, the pose rotation and rotation delay distance will have no effect.

poseThe pose to pathfind to. This will be flipped if the path flipping supplier returns true
constraintsThe constraints to use while pathfinding
goalEndVelocityThe goal end velocity of the robot when reaching the target pose
rotationDelayDistanceThe distance the robot should move from the start position before attempting to rotate to the final rotation
A command to pathfind to a given pose

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